Mobile Life in Ireland & Beyond

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yahoo Mobile Go!

Well in a fit of madness, i threw privacy caution to the wind, and i installed Yahoo go. 1mb download. Its pretty impressive. I dont see how yahoo is so damn under valued etc.

It has a cool carousel function. Which lets you Select evrythig from finance to weather. etc. Brilliant :)

WARNING: of course this is all due to unlimited data package on Verizon NYC. It would be crap with out it, i wonder who of the big networks will be the first to make this a business marketing point. Data packages in Europe are lagging. In Ireland, this is unfathomable. It would be about 150 Euro a month. which is about 200USD. Its stupid, and rich functionality of the mobile life are being lost. :(

** Once problem with Mobile go is the inability to remove modules added. Also, its damn slow. google maps for black berry is outstanding though.

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