Mobile Life in Ireland & Beyond

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

thoughts on Blackberry and RIM

Well, heres another interesting article that got me thinking. And i have come to the conclusion, that Verizon and its network and business model are wrong. Not RIM. Keeping people signed in for 1.5 to 2 years contracts is silly. Especially in these times. So how do i, as a Verizon user, who forked out for the Curve, now in the next while buy another handset? Im locked in to Verizon. lock stock and barrel. Is it not in the handset makers interests to retain handset liquidity? Just because Apple got AT&T to create an exclusive the world of many imitators which lets face it provide the same functionality, Where is the value????

By the time RIM have my business again, i may not be Buying a Blackberry! I might be buying something else! If Verizon must have a deal with RIM its in both parties interest to have an open more flexible and cheaper policy. Imagine if you could up grade to any RIM Phone at any time, as an exclusive deal to Verizon. Would that Not make more people use Verizon? I know it certainly would make me go! :)
I wouldnt get the Storm though, id get the Bold. Its what a black berry should be!

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