Mobile Life in Ireland & Beyond

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thoughts on Mobile Internet Pick up

This all goes back to the operators and their business model. If it costs more to send a text message to a person within in a Mobile zone (non Roaming) compared to sending a message to mars by satellite, then what normal sane reasonable person is gonna want to browse mobile internet let alone do anything else AND get charged astronomical fees for it???? People know they are being ripped of by SMS. Why get another layer of financial ball kicking?????

Its time for the Business model to change to reflect the growth and (price related hidden) desire for email, mini Searches, and general reading that the mobile internet can give people. And those are just a base, you have payment options, Banking etc, Product reviews, and a whole load of stuff that is not invented for it yet.

Mobile internet's killer app IS its mobility not what sort of application you are using, whether using facebook, ebay, whatever. And what makes take up fail is peoples sense of pending financial danger. The sense that how am i to know if i am going over my allocated megabytes allowance?? And i cant blame them for not using it.

Mobile Networks Companies do their best to make this a hobbling peg leg feature, in order to continue to cream SMS and voice telephony astro fees for as long as possible. Once mobile internet is out of the bag, skype and twitter will over take Voice and SMS . As long as the data package is correct of course ;)

* PadyTax will of course STOP anything like this happening in Ireland.

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