Mobile Life in Ireland & Beyond

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

LG and the 100mb download Chip

scorching news...
Cannot wait till this is everywhere (could have said ubiquitous) I want one in my phone! NOW! It does funnily mention you having a 700mb film downloaded to your phone in under 60 seconds!

1. why would i want to do that? phone screens are tooo small to watch a film in any sort of relaxing way, unless your going on the school bus/train or a journey of some sort, at which point im sure your transfer it over from a laptop or something (doesnt everyone make journey preparations?)

2. when the operators charge me per the minute for a download then i might be able to afford 700mbs of downloadage at current prices. That film may go down in 60 seconds but at a cost of a couple of hundred euro. I dont think sooooooo!

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