Mobile Life in Ireland & Beyond

Saturday, December 27, 2008

USA - SMS answers? costs?

what a great article. After being years behind Europe and Asia, may the US be the first country to get some answers from the industry regarding What an SMS is and WHY it keeps costing more and more to send one.

"All four of the major carriers decided during the last three years to increase the pay-per-use price for messages to 20 cents from 10 cents. The decision could not have come from a dearth of business: the 2.5 trillion sent messages this year, the estimate of the Gartner Group, is up 32 percent from 2007. Gartner expects 3.3 trillion messages to be sent in 2009."

Verizon (vodafone relation) REFUSED to let their answer be made public. Typical asshsole fashion, nothing new there. The others have not given satisfactory responses. And they cant because ripping people of cannot produce a satisfactory answer.

Rip of people! Get answers!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Meet the IPhone like LG Cookie

"Initially available in the UK on various pay-as-you-go packages from Carphone Warehouse for a touch over £100 - or from free on contract deals - this model is the most affordable touchscreen model yet, offering a reasonable set of features for the phone buyer on a credit-crunched budget."

Sunday, December 21, 2008

RUMOR: G2 coming soon

Google rumor,

With other areas releasing these phones, why wouldnt google do it!

Also, CUPCAKE version of android! read on

Friday, December 19, 2008

Wifi a big hit on Mobiles?? WELL DUUUUH

Article Link
This is due to the price of 3G+ with operators. In Ireland especially.

mobile TV of a different kind

i want one!
How class is this, Phones have a purpose, and im not sure that i want a phone thats does everything, it would be nice to have one of these!

Or one of these! :)

Link here
1gb RAM only though

Motorola Phone in Japan

Your not going to believe this, its a 2G phone, Yes thats right!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Flick Dongle!

Article here

"Sprint intends to be the leader in 4G and bring the wireless Internet to life,"
It intends to charge 79.99$ a month for this leadership.... IN THIS ECONOMY So you can switch between 4G and 3G networks???? - hmmmmmmmm, maybe sprint need to slow down a little and think things through. What if the majority of the time the fastest option IS the 3G! Your paying 80$ for something that your not using really.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Nokia and connecting laptops

"HELSINKI -- The world's top cellphone maker Nokia plans to tap the surging market for connecting laptops to wireless networks taking on market leader Huawei Technologies, its senior official said."

"Nokia will start to ship its first Internet stick in early 2009, aiming to benefit from its know-how and experience in developing 3G technologies, Tapio Markki, vice president for hardware platform components at Nokia, told Reuters."

Well competition is good...right???? The embedding in Notebooks that nokia wanted didnt work properly. So this is changing their angle of attack!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Is this googles attempt a twitter?

Link here "SMS chat"
I love twitter, it is more addictive than facebook. Its sometimes scary. But its still keeping me coming back every day, especially since i got "twitterberry" for my blackberry!

download Twitterberry.

n97 Pron***

Some picture porn :) of the N97


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

LG and the 100mb download Chip

scorching news...
Cannot wait till this is everywhere (could have said ubiquitous) I want one in my phone! NOW! It does funnily mention you having a 700mb film downloaded to your phone in under 60 seconds!

1. why would i want to do that? phone screens are tooo small to watch a film in any sort of relaxing way, unless your going on the school bus/train or a journey of some sort, at which point im sure your transfer it over from a laptop or something (doesnt everyone make journey preparations?)

2. when the operators charge me per the minute for a download then i might be able to afford 700mbs of downloadage at current prices. That film may go down in 60 seconds but at a cost of a couple of hundred euro. I dont think sooooooo!

More Tales Piezoelectric power and IPhone Walmart

Speech powered Phone? Piezolectric (google it) Sound disturbances will cause sometihng to move, generating electricity! great idea. What if you text more though? Will operators punish those that dont speak more with higher Tariffs?

Meanwhile WALMART WILL have the Iphone for $99. Should be a niec stocking filler!!! oh wait, but if you are already with another will this work!!!! Is it really worth changing a number youve had for years???? probably not. All goes back to new business model needed.

BlackBerry 8900 (Javelin) launched official

RIM’s BlackBerry 8900 will be available around 20 December for an estimated handset only price of $620 (£420/€480).

really who's gonna pay all that money for something that does not have 3G? What are blackberry thinking. I wouldn't waste my time or money getting this. 620 DOLLARS????? Sheesh.

Microsoft Zune Phone

Oh no, apple has turned the market in to mp3 players that can make phone calls!
Now its Microsoft attempt with the Zune

Monday, December 8, 2008

China stat

"In China for example there are 4 people born per second, but 20 new subscribers of mobile providers per second."

taken from this blog

A Very Nokia problem (touch screen demand)

Just some thoughts. Touch screen demand is a problem for nokia.
Nokia should A) not get sucked in to the touchscreen malarky like blackberry did. B) nokia has a pricing problem.

Yes that's right folks, the Price of some of the latest and best nokia handsets are absolutely ridiculous. If i can get a google iphone for 300 WHY oh why would i buy a nokia phone like the n97 for close to 500+ It just does not make sense.

The Nokia n97 is a great phone, Its my favourite phone that i covet, i want one, but in these times, im not going to just splash. Nokia is effectively pricing itself out of the market. If only business men can afford this phone, and lets face it they are not the most savvy tech people on earth, then A whole generation is not being indoctrinated to the s60 method of doing things. Only serious users of mobile equipment would pay for this phone. And there are not too many people that are that serious. Particularly when it comes to spending nearly a thousand Euro on a phone! something that you can lose down your sofa.

Nokia Touchscreen.

Nokia touch screen? hmmmm dones not look too bad.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thoughts on Mobile Internet Pick up

This all goes back to the operators and their business model. If it costs more to send a text message to a person within in a Mobile zone (non Roaming) compared to sending a message to mars by satellite, then what normal sane reasonable person is gonna want to browse mobile internet let alone do anything else AND get charged astronomical fees for it???? People know they are being ripped of by SMS. Why get another layer of financial ball kicking?????

Its time for the Business model to change to reflect the growth and (price related hidden) desire for email, mini Searches, and general reading that the mobile internet can give people. And those are just a base, you have payment options, Banking etc, Product reviews, and a whole load of stuff that is not invented for it yet.

Mobile internet's killer app IS its mobility not what sort of application you are using, whether using facebook, ebay, whatever. And what makes take up fail is peoples sense of pending financial danger. The sense that how am i to know if i am going over my allocated megabytes allowance?? And i cant blame them for not using it.

Mobile Networks Companies do their best to make this a hobbling peg leg feature, in order to continue to cream SMS and voice telephony astro fees for as long as possible. Once mobile internet is out of the bag, skype and twitter will over take Voice and SMS . As long as the data package is correct of course ;)

* PadyTax will of course STOP anything like this happening in Ireland.

Brits not Liking Mobile Internet

Well im not suprised. At least they get better offers from the providers than Ireland does. Its time to change the business model in Ireland and the UK.
Article here

3's New Facebook phone

Well, this is not bad, have a read!
Review article Here
"3 said the INQ1 is free on a £15 ($25/€20)-per-month tariff, which gets you unlimited Facebook, Skype, WLM and web access. That’s in addition to 75 minutes of calls to other networks, and unlimited texts, email and 3-to-3 calls.

A £20-per-month tariff gets you all of the above, but with 200 minutes of calls to other networks. The phone’s also available for £80 ($120/€90) on PAYG, with web-access packages starting at £5."

Register Slams Vodafone BlackBerry Storm (50% Rating)

Here is the great link, and i have to agree with it.
Storm Version 2 might be better.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yahoo Mobile Go!

Well in a fit of madness, i threw privacy caution to the wind, and i installed Yahoo go. 1mb download. Its pretty impressive. I dont see how yahoo is so damn under valued etc.

It has a cool carousel function. Which lets you Select evrythig from finance to weather. etc. Brilliant :)

WARNING: of course this is all due to unlimited data package on Verizon NYC. It would be crap with out it, i wonder who of the big networks will be the first to make this a business marketing point. Data packages in Europe are lagging. In Ireland, this is unfathomable. It would be about 150 Euro a month. which is about 200USD. Its stupid, and rich functionality of the mobile life are being lost. :(

** Once problem with Mobile go is the inability to remove modules added. Also, its damn slow. google maps for black berry is outstanding though.

Where Verizon Fails - Google Reigns

I just was using my blackberry maps. The preloaded app on my Curve. Total Crap. The only thing of value in the relationship is the unlimited data plan. The maps fro blackberry are RUBBISH!

So, i installed google maps for blackberry on my phone.

and boy o boy. Absolutely amazing. It has my location within 600 metres, complete with street view or map view! The satellite view is the hybrid for the map. As i said, unlimited data packages, + Handset flexibility are the keys to securing customers in the coming mobile operator wars. Wifi, google etc, all gonna change the paradigm! :)
And good riddance to the old methods!

Verison Kindness?? GPS Mapping gift

Have they become soft? or Are the doing this to get user to use it for free, then track where they go and obtain some sort of value from the data??? I use - This will be handy if the two were combined!!! I reckon at some point, google may be come a MVNO. They already have spectrum from the recent FCC sell off. So, with some Wife, in place of 3G and an agreement with a carrier, Google would be set to do to the mobile wold what they did to the Online search world. Their secret lies in the data they have! ;)

Nokia Suace

Nokia, has created something that will either be a privacy nightmare, or herald in a new matrix type phone experience. Article here Great Article. Very Interesting.

"GPS Action isn't limited to using satellite navigation technology; it will happily trigger applications or alarms based on proximity of a particular combination of base stations."

Proximity based awareness & application Triggering.
Your S60 Software will now be aware of where you are. Social Nightmare or social Handiness?


Further showing that Mobile operators are increasingly Becoming irrelevant. When it comes to old school voice to voice. Apple announces Voice Over IP for Ipod. Funny. How many block VOIP skype etc. dont. Its all about the data packages now folks.

RIM Should be Worried. As should Nokia.

This is the Kogan Agora. It runs android, they ship to anywhere in the world from Australia. Its blackberryesque. Love it. Great idea. Good on the Aussies.

Some Quick Facts:
* 624MHz processor
* 128MB RAM
* 2.5" resistive touchscreen display
* QWERTY keyboard
* 2 megapixel camera
* Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity
* GPS support

Handsets only ship from basically mid Jan 2009. So get saving :)

My Wish list went from a N97 to This as well. :)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

thoughts on Blackberry and RIM

Well, heres another interesting article that got me thinking. And i have come to the conclusion, that Verizon and its network and business model are wrong. Not RIM. Keeping people signed in for 1.5 to 2 years contracts is silly. Especially in these times. So how do i, as a Verizon user, who forked out for the Curve, now in the next while buy another handset? Im locked in to Verizon. lock stock and barrel. Is it not in the handset makers interests to retain handset liquidity? Just because Apple got AT&T to create an exclusive the world of many imitators which lets face it provide the same functionality, Where is the value????

By the time RIM have my business again, i may not be Buying a Blackberry! I might be buying something else! If Verizon must have a deal with RIM its in both parties interest to have an open more flexible and cheaper policy. Imagine if you could up grade to any RIM Phone at any time, as an exclusive deal to Verizon. Would that Not make more people use Verizon? I know it certainly would make me go! :)
I wouldnt get the Storm though, id get the Bold. Its what a black berry should be!

March of Maemo Linux Nokia Endorsment

Im a linux user, I dont care for Microsoft Vs Linux comparison...they all a means to an end, Linux just costs waaaay less.. This is from the nokias horses mouth..and is interesting. with the cost of phones getting higher and higher, will free open source rule the seas? I hope so. Linux is good.

ALSO Linux and Iphone?????? Why would you remove their software? lol

Blackberry touchscreen Review! NYTimes

NY Times David Pogue also trash's the new blackberry touchscreen handset here

I think hes kinda right. If i was getting one id get the bold. Its unashamedly blackberry, why do people think that flavor of the month touchscreen is whatever one wants? Apple do touch screens waaaaay better. Just a point to note.

Mayeb it should be renamed blackberry storm in a teacup!! lol

RIM blackberrys maker Lower profits

this article states that there is a lower profit outlook for blackberry maker RIM. Im wondering if the blackberry touchscreen is not making as big an impact as previously thought. Most people who will buy one of those (people in the states) are on contracts, and with money tight, no one gonna upgrade till end of 2 year phone plan. I have nearly 1.5 years left!! So i don't think im gonna be getting this. This was quite a miscalculation on their part.

nokia N97

here it is, it looks nice. :)