Mobile Life in Ireland & Beyond

Thursday, November 20, 2008

meet the blackberry javelin??????

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erm, after reading that the Nokia E71 has a cheaper similar model called the E63, blackberry announces the javelin, which in all intensive purposes seems to be the Blackberry Bold minus the 3G capabilities!!!!

Reading other articles has confirmed it has no 3G and its is ready for launch in MID 2009....yes i typed 2009... o_0.....a wtf moment...Is this so it can copy nokias business model of releasing a cheaper version of its top selling phone!!! basically cheaper materials with a few changes here made!!

Its interesting but is there some sort of psychological aspect here, where they have done research, 2 companies doing the same thing is strange unless there is some sort of solid science behind it like marketing figures or something. Is there a group of people that want to appear to have the Blackberry bold and E71 from a distance??? But really they have the same look different innards model???

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