Mobile Life in Ireland & Beyond

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Sign A Company is in danger of losing a large foothold

So, hear the one about the giant company in the teleco field that is suing one for patent infringing? Yes i did you say, but which one? Its now silly season...

Nokia Vs Apple and NOW...RIM Vs Motorola ......AGAIN! sheesh.

Nokia started to copy the trend off the other 2 North American giants. With a patent troll against a game changer. As I have said previously I have a GIANT hunch only restrictive pricing in European mobile broadband is artificially keeping Nokia as a favorite there. Apple just made a better phone. Hands up.. it has one model, nokia has many. There in lies the new problem.

Nokia should pay attention, no longer should the spew of little phones and different wacky models continue. Phones are like pop songs. Everyone buys the most popular. And in this case. Its now the iphone, and more recently new kid on the block, android/nexus google phone.

So, faced with all this, and falling from the peak you once sat on... what do you do? or rather what should you not do... take a petty charge against another company, instead of designing and building something that beats them better.

And who will the pass the lawyers fees on to?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Google may have finally slipped up, or at least skidded hard.

So, the nexus one has been released, to much fanfare, hype and complaint about buck passing in regards to users Phone issues. (The buck being passed back and forth between Tmobile, htc and Google regarding said issues) All yawnsome really. The phone is not for sale in Ireland.

A tail of connected losers
Blakberry-Exchange-Microsoft problem
We are now living in interesting times at last. Blackberry is in its own league, but now under threat (and it is dangerously joined at the hip with microsoft)

Google is gaining ground in the Business email market, Which is obviously bad for Blackberry. It and Microsoft are the old guard now, and will have to pull a large rabbit out of the hat. Which i dont expect blackberry will do. And this is a huge problem.

Microsoft mobiles market share is laughable for a company with Microsofts clout. It needs blackberry. But its foot shooting restrictiveness has come back to haunt them in the form of Linux OS, which due to being open, secure, solid and free finds itself in one of the premier mobile and netbook OS positions.

Customers style change
Like the clamshell before it, the large touch screen is the main phone of choice for people these days. Even Nokia is feeling this pressure. (And i believe only restrictive data package pricing is preventing Europes love of Nokia from collapsing.) After playing with an iphone and a droid, why would i want to go back to a smaller screen?

And what has Blackberry?
Blackberry's storm 2 got some fan fare, correcting the hideous screen pressing version of model 1. But I don't know anyone who owns one. Which is a bad sign. (Well i know one person with vrs.1, They are a verizon user and cant wait to change)

Thunder without lightning
The nexus 1, when it irons out its problems, will no doubt be good. The press however is talking about something else though, and thats when Apple will be releasing a tablet/slate/giant iPhone, which will have wifi, webcam, and some sort of network connectivity.

So, even after one of the largest companys in the world has released its own iphone killer, The thunder is with apple still. And this makes one wonder about Google's path.

Whos the king? Neither google nor apple, but the customer.
If based on previous patterns, then Apple will have 1-2 years to perfect their "iSlate" after its released. The main difference of course is that Apple have good customer relationship infrastructure for and with their buyers. The genius bar for example is the place to go etc and customer service is excellent. Really, when you see the hash google has made of this release so far you have to wonder yet again, especially because Google will no doubt follow suit and have a tablet out soon, as Microsoft is also doing. (partnering with HP)

Big Deal?
But Big deal right? Its still playing catch up. It gaining in Business customers fed up of Microsofts high pricing right? Well, this is part of the problem. Apple (and Microsoft) are NOT going for your data, Their going for your custom.

Google is seemingly just wanting your data. All of it, every byte. And thats all it seems Google cares about. Losing your password on Gmail and trying to get back in to the account shows where its heart really is. We love your data...not so keen on you. This is far removed from Customer service of the year awards, Apple gets. Which is what people really care about and how reputations are built. Which is soooo old as a business mantra, its soon to be back in fashion again right?

Speaking of customer relations!!
Also annoyingly, With a CEO at google thats being a complete cock in relation to peoples privacy by saying they should not do anything they wouldnt want everyone to know online (remembering he hypocritically got an entire website blocked when it put his details online)

I think google maybe have bit off a bit more than it can chew. It should have NOT shafted its partners. Yet. (Even though one has to wonder what made it jump) Especially when it is weak in areas that count with customers. Relations.

If Google cannot look at Apple mistakes and surpass them its a poor show for a billion dollar company. It did search right, (even though reports are of it being rubbish right now, and skewed towards ad based returns) But Bing is slowly taking market away.

It did Gmail right, but Wave is not taking off. (though its in googles much loved purgatory of Beta) It even has assorted issues with Press agencies (Who are idiots btw) Everyone is out to get google it seems? Mainly themselves in some areas.

Have a monster 2010
You can see what google is becoming. A monster. We can see where it is going, everywhere in your life. But a Monster that cannot ensure customer satisfaction it not going to be a monster for long. (ask Microsoft, especially about Vista)

Google is now in yet another different area of business that it has been close to for a while. Tmobile is still holding its hand, but this break, in to new ground, means the banana skins are now larger.

In 2010, google needs to tread lightly. Very lightly.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Skype Sale thought

So skype was resold, to an equity firm, with Marc Andreessen on board. He is making a new browser apparently. So the purchase of skype could be very interesting in the long run. If its safer than Firefox, and less fascisty than chrome, ill use it.


ok ok...did ya hear the one about a press release...This has been reported in many Journals...wait for it...MMS...for the Apple IPhone! <-- nyuk nyuk

Oh how we Europeans and Japs are laughing. Welcome to the table. Bravo.

Google marches on Sprint USA and TMobile in UK

Google marches on.

This proves to me again the change that is happening and may have happened. At some point all roads will point to Google. Sprint to offer G phone. T-Mobile to offer PAYG mobile. Windows Mobile nowhere to be seen. Apple doing its own iphone thing. Silently google creeps in :)

I Like the spirit of this article. 26 Reasons Blackberry TEABAGS the iphone

This is a link to a good article, from this guy called Anton Wahlman. I have a few disagreements with what he says as being important, but mostly he's damn right in spirit.

For me, I have just 3 reasons why i love Blackberry.

1. Communications Hub. ALL my communications come to the one inbox. This is a successful messaging pattern. we have seen this used for success before in friendfeed. No other phone co, network etc, can match it. And i have had many phones, and many networks.

2. Keyboard. Haptic is all well and good. But, i can go faster as a man on buttons i can feel. Thats how we have evolved. If it can surpass iphone even better, but till then, I can type quicker because i can feel where my fingers are touching. I hear, that a future touchscreen will have something that can raise the screen up a little under your fingers to give the illusion of touching a button. GREAT idea. Link to some info there. Till then, actual physical keyboard wins. (Especially if you are eating something, and your fingers are greased up...well just think of the shape of the screen!! :P )

3. Simplicity. Its not a ticketing device, Although it could be, its not as flashy as the iphone, although it could be. Name an App that IPhone has, and Blackberry could emulate it, or better it. But, its core usability is simple, and appeals to that most basic of human desires. Communication. Blackberrys ONE thing that is does better than everyone else. Text, IM, email, voice. that simple.

Wired 5 things to improve on Blackberry

Wireds article basically mentions the obvious. I also added in what i would also add. And i would add these before most of Wireds gripes. I mean.. desktop software..who cares. Gimme speed over that anyday!

Wireds top 5, with my commentary
1. Browser (Duh) RIM Let us use what we want to.

2. Touchscreen - As i said before, the touch screen is done right by iphone, surpass it or dont bother with it, but half assed is bad. A screen that presses down when you press it is not acceptable. Take an Iphone, back engineer it, and LEARN how to do it right.

3. App Store. Yup, said this too, for some reason, it works for Apple. I would include a lot of cool programs on your phone for free, license them from the creators or something, anything... But im not buying programs for such a small screen. Particularly as i use my blackberry as a Communication device, and nothing else.

4. WiFi HA! Indeed. I bet its because RIM have a non Wifi compete with carriers own Networks clause or something stupid like that. Watch as those that DO ALLOW wifi surpass you. The WiFi genie is out of the bottle. Get on board, or get off. Appeasing Networks is a doomed venture.

5. Desktop software Well, it does its job, not really worried too much about it. I dont use my blackberry for entertainment. Only a fool would.

What i would add to all that:
6. Battery - Slow to charge, quick to discharge. Have to buy a second battery. And you RIM dont get the money because its from another supplier. Maybe you should be nice and give a free second battery?? Or just invest wisely, and make a better Battery. Or reduce the wear and tear of it, from programs that want to update themselves needlessly.

7. Internal Memory - Internal memory for running programs. PLEASE make bigger. The Little spinning egg timer really really makes me want to try out other phones. (who have better battery life, wifi etc. Once you loose me, Youll need something ULTRA special to get me back, and those events dont happen too often) Apple offers Gigs, Vs. Blackberrys Mbs... Other than screen size, its the only thing Apple has you on.

8. RAM/CPU - For the love of Science. Give it some Muscle. Re-Engineer, learn from others, do something. Egg timer yet again...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hmmm again.

I was re-reading some my posts, and it seems I still hold most of the same opinions, and i still believe i am right on a lot of them! And i still believe that the storm was a feeble attempt by blackberry in Denial. More on this in future post.

I still would take a blackberry Bold (As stated previously, A blackberry phone that is unashamedly blackberry) over the Iphone, but am getting very intrigued by the G1. And not only the G1 But the amazing Change behind it in the *NEW* telecoms future.

To me, the G in G1 stands for Genie..and it is not only out of teh bottle. its tipped the bottle over, and the Carriers are now fumbling to catch that bottle before it smash's and they cant get that genie back in..I feel its too late*. And ill post on this later! :)

*Not for obvious reasons! But by a scientific principal. There is some logic why i think its out and gone.

New Decisions for Old Rope.

I have some decisions to make, and until i make them, i will keep blogging here! What should i switch too? Switch to Wordpress and Spanner the funky Theme??
Is this not fine? To be part of a bigger blogging site? or Just have this as it is? Decisions!

"Yes I can" - By Another black guy i admire..Sammy Davis Jr,

In the Meantime!!

What happened when i was away?? FUCKING TWITTER was going for a year or 2...people turned their noses up at it. Then boom, as if to prove that people are strange and crowds are not to be trusted! It takes off. Some people now speak of the real time, some now speak of the Ashton Kutcher <-- ill google it to see what that is)

Im Bacccccckk (After 8 Months)

I suddenly Guessed the damn password right for the site! ...Now...where did i leave those Trousers.....erm.... :p

Saturday, December 27, 2008

USA - SMS answers? costs?

what a great article. After being years behind Europe and Asia, may the US be the first country to get some answers from the industry regarding What an SMS is and WHY it keeps costing more and more to send one.

"All four of the major carriers decided during the last three years to increase the pay-per-use price for messages to 20 cents from 10 cents. The decision could not have come from a dearth of business: the 2.5 trillion sent messages this year, the estimate of the Gartner Group, is up 32 percent from 2007. Gartner expects 3.3 trillion messages to be sent in 2009."

Verizon (vodafone relation) REFUSED to let their answer be made public. Typical asshsole fashion, nothing new there. The others have not given satisfactory responses. And they cant because ripping people of cannot produce a satisfactory answer.

Rip of people! Get answers!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Meet the IPhone like LG Cookie

"Initially available in the UK on various pay-as-you-go packages from Carphone Warehouse for a touch over £100 - or from free on contract deals - this model is the most affordable touchscreen model yet, offering a reasonable set of features for the phone buyer on a credit-crunched budget."

Sunday, December 21, 2008

RUMOR: G2 coming soon

Google rumor,

With other areas releasing these phones, why wouldnt google do it!

Also, CUPCAKE version of android! read on

Friday, December 19, 2008

Wifi a big hit on Mobiles?? WELL DUUUUH

Article Link
This is due to the price of 3G+ with operators. In Ireland especially.

mobile TV of a different kind

i want one!
How class is this, Phones have a purpose, and im not sure that i want a phone thats does everything, it would be nice to have one of these!

Or one of these! :)

Link here
1gb RAM only though

Motorola Phone in Japan

Your not going to believe this, its a 2G phone, Yes thats right!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Flick Dongle!

Article here

"Sprint intends to be the leader in 4G and bring the wireless Internet to life,"
It intends to charge 79.99$ a month for this leadership.... IN THIS ECONOMY So you can switch between 4G and 3G networks???? - hmmmmmmmm, maybe sprint need to slow down a little and think things through. What if the majority of the time the fastest option IS the 3G! Your paying 80$ for something that your not using really.