Mobile Life in Ireland & Beyond

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Sign A Company is in danger of losing a large foothold

So, hear the one about the giant company in the teleco field that is suing one for patent infringing? Yes i did you say, but which one? Its now silly season...

Nokia Vs Apple and NOW...RIM Vs Motorola ......AGAIN! sheesh.

Nokia started to copy the trend off the other 2 North American giants. With a patent troll against a game changer. As I have said previously I have a GIANT hunch only restrictive pricing in European mobile broadband is artificially keeping Nokia as a favorite there. Apple just made a better phone. Hands up.. it has one model, nokia has many. There in lies the new problem.

Nokia should pay attention, no longer should the spew of little phones and different wacky models continue. Phones are like pop songs. Everyone buys the most popular. And in this case. Its now the iphone, and more recently new kid on the block, android/nexus google phone.

So, faced with all this, and falling from the peak you once sat on... what do you do? or rather what should you not do... take a petty charge against another company, instead of designing and building something that beats them better.

And who will the pass the lawyers fees on to?

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