Mobile Life in Ireland & Beyond

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hmmm again.

I was re-reading some my posts, and it seems I still hold most of the same opinions, and i still believe i am right on a lot of them! And i still believe that the storm was a feeble attempt by blackberry in Denial. More on this in future post.

I still would take a blackberry Bold (As stated previously, A blackberry phone that is unashamedly blackberry) over the Iphone, but am getting very intrigued by the G1. And not only the G1 But the amazing Change behind it in the *NEW* telecoms future.

To me, the G in G1 stands for Genie..and it is not only out of teh bottle. its tipped the bottle over, and the Carriers are now fumbling to catch that bottle before it smash's and they cant get that genie back in..I feel its too late*. And ill post on this later! :)

*Not for obvious reasons! But by a scientific principal. There is some logic why i think its out and gone.

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