Mobile Life in Ireland & Beyond

Friday, September 4, 2009

Skype Sale thought

So skype was resold, to an equity firm, with Marc Andreessen on board. He is making a new browser apparently. So the purchase of skype could be very interesting in the long run. If its safer than Firefox, and less fascisty than chrome, ill use it.


ok ok...did ya hear the one about a press release...This has been reported in many Journals...wait for it...MMS...for the Apple IPhone! <-- nyuk nyuk

Oh how we Europeans and Japs are laughing. Welcome to the table. Bravo.

Google marches on Sprint USA and TMobile in UK

Google marches on.

This proves to me again the change that is happening and may have happened. At some point all roads will point to Google. Sprint to offer G phone. T-Mobile to offer PAYG mobile. Windows Mobile nowhere to be seen. Apple doing its own iphone thing. Silently google creeps in :)

I Like the spirit of this article. 26 Reasons Blackberry TEABAGS the iphone

This is a link to a good article, from this guy called Anton Wahlman. I have a few disagreements with what he says as being important, but mostly he's damn right in spirit.

For me, I have just 3 reasons why i love Blackberry.

1. Communications Hub. ALL my communications come to the one inbox. This is a successful messaging pattern. we have seen this used for success before in friendfeed. No other phone co, network etc, can match it. And i have had many phones, and many networks.

2. Keyboard. Haptic is all well and good. But, i can go faster as a man on buttons i can feel. Thats how we have evolved. If it can surpass iphone even better, but till then, I can type quicker because i can feel where my fingers are touching. I hear, that a future touchscreen will have something that can raise the screen up a little under your fingers to give the illusion of touching a button. GREAT idea. Link to some info there. Till then, actual physical keyboard wins. (Especially if you are eating something, and your fingers are greased up...well just think of the shape of the screen!! :P )

3. Simplicity. Its not a ticketing device, Although it could be, its not as flashy as the iphone, although it could be. Name an App that IPhone has, and Blackberry could emulate it, or better it. But, its core usability is simple, and appeals to that most basic of human desires. Communication. Blackberrys ONE thing that is does better than everyone else. Text, IM, email, voice. that simple.

Wired 5 things to improve on Blackberry

Wireds article basically mentions the obvious. I also added in what i would also add. And i would add these before most of Wireds gripes. I mean.. desktop software..who cares. Gimme speed over that anyday!

Wireds top 5, with my commentary
1. Browser (Duh) RIM Let us use what we want to.

2. Touchscreen - As i said before, the touch screen is done right by iphone, surpass it or dont bother with it, but half assed is bad. A screen that presses down when you press it is not acceptable. Take an Iphone, back engineer it, and LEARN how to do it right.

3. App Store. Yup, said this too, for some reason, it works for Apple. I would include a lot of cool programs on your phone for free, license them from the creators or something, anything... But im not buying programs for such a small screen. Particularly as i use my blackberry as a Communication device, and nothing else.

4. WiFi HA! Indeed. I bet its because RIM have a non Wifi compete with carriers own Networks clause or something stupid like that. Watch as those that DO ALLOW wifi surpass you. The WiFi genie is out of the bottle. Get on board, or get off. Appeasing Networks is a doomed venture.

5. Desktop software Well, it does its job, not really worried too much about it. I dont use my blackberry for entertainment. Only a fool would.

What i would add to all that:
6. Battery - Slow to charge, quick to discharge. Have to buy a second battery. And you RIM dont get the money because its from another supplier. Maybe you should be nice and give a free second battery?? Or just invest wisely, and make a better Battery. Or reduce the wear and tear of it, from programs that want to update themselves needlessly.

7. Internal Memory - Internal memory for running programs. PLEASE make bigger. The Little spinning egg timer really really makes me want to try out other phones. (who have better battery life, wifi etc. Once you loose me, Youll need something ULTRA special to get me back, and those events dont happen too often) Apple offers Gigs, Vs. Blackberrys Mbs... Other than screen size, its the only thing Apple has you on.

8. RAM/CPU - For the love of Science. Give it some Muscle. Re-Engineer, learn from others, do something. Egg timer yet again...